1. Cargo and Shipment Assurance
All your orders are in secure packages. Necessary information is written on the box of your products.
Except for the products specified as fast shipment, if your order arrives outside working hours, it will be loaded in the first 3 (three) working days following the order. In order for the products to be shipped to you, the necessary payment procedures for the products must be completed by you.
You only need your signature at the time of delivery so that we can track your receipt of your products. If you are not at the address when the cargo arrives, do not worry. The address of the place where you need to receive your cargo will be left as a note on your door. If you cannot receive your cargo, your order will be shipped back to us after approximately 1 (one) week.
4. Delivery and Pricing
When you order your products, the system will automatically show you the cargo fee information during shopping depending on the effect of the product you bought and the region you are in, and the cargo fee will be collected from you and delivered to you with the agreement of our company with the contracted cargo company. According to certain periods and campaigns, free shipping service can be offered by us. This application is valid only within Turkey and will be invalidated for products sent outside of Turkey and to the TRNC, and the customer will be priced according to the overseas pricing tariff, and the customer will be contacted and informed about this pricing.
All works (text, picture, image, photo, video, music, etc.) included in the content of this Internet Site belong to the Voluntary Occasions Assistance and Solidarity Association (Association) and are protected under the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works and the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237. . Persons violating these rights are subject to the legal and penal sanctions in the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 and the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237. The association has the right to initiate relevant legal action.
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