This is published by the “Enlightenment Text” (“Data Controller”) in order to enlighten users regarding the processing of personal data of users in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 “Law”.
1) General
As a field of activity, we target all regions and people in need of assistance. While many parts of the world live in prosperity and luxury, some regions have been forced to struggle with disease and poverty. As an association, we deliver the aid they need to our oppressed brothers as soon as possible and in a transparent manner.
Some special and general data in order to reach the needy people in a short time and to carry out their activities effectively;
The Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 is processed in accordance with the law in accordance with the secondary regulations (regulations, communiqués, circulars) that have been or will be put into effect under the Law and the decisions taken and to be taken by the Personal Data Protection Board, which is binding.
In this Clarification Text, within the scope of the obligation to inform all relevant persons whose data will be processed pursuant to Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698;
• Identity of the data controller and its representative, if any,
• For what purpose personal data will be processed,
• To whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred,
• Method and legal reason for collecting personal data,
• Rights of the persons concerned written in Article 11 of the Law No. 6698
clearly stated.
2) Data Controller's Identity and Access Addresses
Title: Voluntary Occasions Assistance Association (“Data Officer”)
Register No: 01-036-062 (Registered with Adana Provincial Directorate of Civil Society Relations)
Address: Cagirkanlı Mah. Selahattin Eyyubi CAD. No:176 Yuregir/Adana
E-Mail: bilgi@gonulluvesileler.org
Phone: 0322 363 43 44
Mobile: +90 533 978 38 09
2) Relevant Groups and Types of Data Obtained
The definition of the groups of persons whose personal data are obtained by the Data Controller and the type of personal data collected according to that group of persons are clearly stated below.
• Association Members: Refers to all natural and legal persons who are officially members of the Data Controller.
• Donors: refers to all natural and legal persons who donate to the association via the electronic system (online) managed by the Data Controller or by transferring to a bank account.
• Volunteers: Refers to natural and legal persons participating in all charitable activities to be carried out by the Data Controller.
• Needy Persons: Refers to all real and legal persons in need of assistance from charitable activities to be carried out by the Data Controller.
• Suppliers: Refers to all natural and legal persons who have a supply relationship with the data controller based on goods or services in all activities to be carried out by the data controller.
• Business Partners: Refers to all natural and legal persons who are private or public institutions residing in the country or abroad, with whom they work together in the activities carried out by the Data Controller.
• Visitors: Refers to all natural and legal persons who physically visit the headquarters of the Data Controller or access the website managed by him or her via the internet.
Types of Personal Data Obtained by Person Groups
• Association Members: Name-Surname, T.C. ID number, gender, year of birth, phone number, email, address information, tax number
• Donors: Name-Surname, T.C. ID number, gender, year of birth, phone number, e-mail, address information, bank account information, credit card number and card information in case of donations made by credit card, log records of the website and payment transactions.
• Volunteers: Name-Surname, Identity-license-passport information, gender, nationality, place of birth, date of birth, phone number, e-mail address, address information, bank account information, marital status, military service information, education information, log records , passport photo, criminal record, contact person information for emergency contact, health information, certificates, work experience.
• People in Need: Name-Surname, Identity-passport information, gender, nationality, parent's name, year of birth, place of birth, marital status, education information, signature, criminal record, phone number, e-mail address, passport photo , address information, financial situation information, contact person information for contacting in emergencies, your family's population registration information about you and your dependents, information about your family situation, health information, documents required to be registered from judicial or administrative authorities.
• Suppliers: Name-Surname, phone number, e-mail address, address information, tax number, signature, bank information
• Business Partners: Name-Surname, phone number, e-mail address, address information, tax number, signature, bank information
• Visitors: Name-Surname, T.C. ID number, phone number, ip addresses, e-mail, address information,entry-exit information, security camera recordings
3) Purposes of Processing Personal Data
All your personal data collected/collected/to be collected by the Data Controller may be processed in line with the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law for the following purposes.
• Personal Data of Association Members; All membership transactions, legal obligations, legal notifications, administrative applications and association activities will be processed with the aim of carrying out the activities of the association in a healthy manner before the Republic of Turkey Governorship of Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Civil Society Relations and all other public institutions.
• Personal Data of Donors; Carrying out payment transactions related to donations, fulfilling legal and public obligations, organizing accounting records, balance sheets and financial statements in a healthy and transparent manner, tracking the outcome of donations made by donors, conducting charity activities in the country or abroad, delivering donations to those in need in a healthy way, and the association. will be processed for the purpose of carrying out its activities in a healthy way.
• Personal Data of Volunteers; It will be processed for the purpose of ensuring the participation of volunteers in aid activities, performing insurance transactions before private and public legal entities when necessary, obtaining travel permits, making necessary administrative applications, and carrying out the aid activities of the association in a healthy manner.
• Personal Data of Needy Persons; It will be processed in order to determine the needy people to be assisted in a healthy and accurate manner, to follow the results of the donations made by the donors, to keep the records of the aid activities, to fulfill the public and legal obligations at home or abroad, and to carry out the activities of the association in a healthy manner.
• Personal Data of Suppliers; It will be processed for the purposes of fulfilling the obligations of the parties and fulfilling legal and public obligations within the scope of the supply relationship.
• Personal Data of Business Partners; It will be processed for the purpose of carrying out all activities of the charity and association in a healthy way, and the performance of legal and legal obligations and contracts.
• Personal Data of Visitors; It will be processed for the purpose of ensuring security at the headquarters of the association, conducting the online transactions carried out on the website of the association in an effective and safe manner and fulfilling legal obligations.
4) Parties and Purpose of Transfer of Personal Data
The personal data explained in detail above, within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, in accordance with the law within the scope of Articles 8 and 9 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698; In particular, in order to make donation payments in a healthy way, credit card, donor information and payment information are "PayTR Payment and Electronic Para Organization A.Ş." and phone numbers can be shared with “PAYTR” so that informational sms can be sent. In addition to these, all personal data collected are permitted in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and its secondary legislation; real and legal persons, public institutions and organizations, judicial and administrative jurisdictions, public and private institutions, organizations or authorities with which they have a business or partnership relationship with the data controller.
5) Collection Method and Legal Reason of Personal Data
Your Personal Data may be collected by automatic or non-automatic methods, as detailed below, in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.
• Automatic Methods: Transactions made through the website, use of cookies, electronic payment methods, e-mail, phone registration, sending sms, etc. by automated methods.
• Non-Automatic Methods: Written petition, written document, written application, oral application, oral information, etc. can be collected by non-automatic methods
6) Rights of Personal Data Owner
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, the personal data of the individuals and groups of persons whose data are collected;
• learning whether it has been processed,
• requesting information if processed,
• learning the purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,
• knowing the third parties to whom it was transferred in the country / abroad,
• requesting correction if it is incomplete / incorrectly processed,
• Requesting deletion / destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• requesting notification of the transactions made in accordance with subparagraphs (d) and (e) above, to the third parties to whom it has been transferred,
• Objecting to the emergence of a result against you due to the analysis exclusively by automated systems,
• Requesting the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to unlawful processing of personal data,
has rights.
7) Application Procedure of Personal Data Owner
numbered 6698Persons whose personal data are processed by the Data Controller in accordance with Article 13 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No.
Provided that it is in Turkish, they can apply to the Data Controller in writing or by registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or by e-mail to the e-mail address declared by the Data Controller in this text, or by mail to the address of the data controller. .
In the application of the person concerned;
• Name, surname and signature if the application is written,
• For citizens of the Republic of Türkiye, T.R. identification number, nationality for foreigners, passport number or identification number, if any,
• Domicile or workplace address based on notification,
• The e-mail address, telephone and fax number for notification, if any,
• The subject of the request and the information and documents related to the subject must be clearly present.
The Data Controller must have a written reply to the person concerned or cd, dvd, flash memory, etc. reserves the right to charge a fee if a recording medium is used.
The persons concerned accept and declare that they have read and understood this "Clarification Text" and that the Data Controller fulfills the "obligation of enlightenment" within the scope of Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698.
All works (text, picture, image, photo, video, music, etc.) included in the content of this Internet Site belong to the Voluntary Occasions Assistance and Solidarity Association (Association) and are protected under the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works and the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237. . Persons violating these rights are subject to the legal and penal sanctions in the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 and the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237. The association has the right to initiate relevant legal action.
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