Africa is the world's largest but least consuming and least polluting continent. In Madagascar, where we went for the sacrifice organization, a donor called and said that he wanted to help people there, and we said that we came for this and we would gladly accept it. but things didn't go as I hoped, we had setbacks, and we couldn't find a plane ticket to return. We had to return the 2-day return road by car. Our time was limited, but we had to keep our word. On the 900 km way back, we started to search for 300 kg of rice in the bazaars on the road, but we could find a quarter sack and a maximum of half a sack in the markets. Since I thought it would not be possible to find 300 kilos of rice in one place, we wanted to buy every rice we found. When I asked the seller how much it costs, he said this much money because the rice was sold in the smallest plastic cups we know, not by kilo. You send it to the market to buy rice, you go to the market, you buy a pet glass of rice, you bring it home and you cook it and eat it. When we said we want to buy all of it, the seller didn't answer after looking at us with meaningless eyes for a while, we go to another seller and ask the price in the same way, we say we want to buy all of them with meaningless eyes again. looks at us and doesn't answer, maybe they've never met someone who wants to buy half a sack of rice before. But we didn't give up, we kept asking in other towns, we found a big rice stockist. When we said we wanted to buy 300 kilos of rice, they entered the warehouse and argued for minutes. They started to throw away but because we didn't have time to stop and bag the rice on the way. For this reason, we had to bag the rice we bought while the car was moving, and after we packed it, we stopped in the poor villages on the road and started to distribute it. If so, you will scream of Joy.
Volunteer Occasions
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